And the argument continues!!
>> Friday, July 25, 2008
“The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think.”
I read the above quote somewhere and have been wondering how much truth the above statement holds. I have been having these small arguments with my devilish side of how untrue it is, but small doubts do linger…. does this hold true with women too?? Do they fall for the shine too??( By shine I mean the silver shine here ;-))
Wonder what you all think though!!!
Have a great weekend folks…
ummm hmmm ahhhh...mayb...i'll give it 60-40 :P
Having brains enhances the beauty.
good quote ..... i guess that's true :)
I agree with then quote! Men don't require brains in a woman. Just looks. If they want intellectual conversations, they always have their friends! I guess thats because everything in their life, whether a woman, job, hobby etc is in silos. Nothing is more important than the other. And the sooner women realise this and get a life of their own the better :p
Yes maybe true initially when a guy starts looking for a in during school days or college...
But in the long run a guy would definitely rather go for the thinking and sensible woman than a dumb barbie doll girl...I do agree though that looks play a part which I guess is just a genetic trait for everyone...
I dont completely agree with Silverine's comment below..
Men do have intellectual conversation with woman!!And that is based on mutual respect for the other!
Now I wonder if in saying "what you guys think", are you asking the men for their opinion or us women too?
@Mayz: Now thats being real honest ... but whats 60 and what's 40? :D
@Milo: I just wish everyone thought so too!!
@Sachin: Thanks :) and thats being honest too!!
@Silverine:Most men are that way .. those who dont agree are the minority :) Intellect in a lady is sometimes taken with a pinch of salt :(
@Mathew:Thanks for such an honest comment .. like you say .. its all about perspective .. When we are more mature , our outlook does change. Yeah and there are some men who like having intellectual conversations too but trust me .. its a very small number ..or may be I havent met many :)
@Sol: I changed those words to "all".. so please do comment :)
elementary my dear watson :)
I just hv to agree with this great quote! :)
Cos men usually go by visual perception hehe.
re: How much truth... A lot I am afraid. :)
re: How about women? Them too, but power and wealth can sway them too...Heh! That's cliched.
@Mayz: Ahaa sherlock :)
@Keshi: I know, how much I want this to be false .. it holds true in most cases , guys have themselves confessed to this :)
@Shantanu:I know thats the general conclusion we need to draw from here ... I agree about what you have said about girls too ... However cliched but so true in so many cases
I guess in college life its more of probably the visual perception gains more importance for men.
But as we get into a job, with time,a woman's looks do not matter so much as mutual understanding.
@Karthik: Thanks buddy. I think most of the guys I spoke to outside the blog world had the same thing to tell me.. :) But I still feel you all are minority " the above average men" I mean :D
I'm above average then
Popular media projects feminine beauty rather than brains most of the times to distraction.Only a handful remember a heroine for her character than her pretty form.This naturally enters the viewer's psyche and hence ordinary men fall for looks.
Like u said(to mathew), there are a small number of men who like to have intellectual conversations.
@Maccie: Babes you are way "above average" :D muaaah
@Neena:Maybe thats the reason .. what you see often is what you often retain ...:D But there are a definite few who are way above average too ... and I am so glad there are .. :D
"Beauty?... To me it is a word without sense because I do not know where its meaning comes from nor where it leads to - Pablo Picasso".
Don't you think its soo true!!! All of us are soo carried away by the beauty that we never care to see the person beneath... You cannot tolerate to be with a Miss Unviverse who knows zilch about the universe...And I know you are the types who does not fall for the looks but rather rave about the intellect..
@Nishanth: Glad you agree beauty is skin deep ... intellect is important and more lasting isn't it?
of course sis....and both of us know we'd rather prefer intellect over beauty anytime...
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