Love Actually
>> Tuesday, February 13, 2007
True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked.- Erich Segal
This quote from the writer of the one of the most poignant love story may seem to be such an irony...however it holds so true in today's world.
As the whole debate (read war) between the believers and non- believers about the whole concept of Valentine's day rages on, the above quote may almost land me behind bars .
It is strange because when we have so many social issues to tackle we create such a hue and cry over a non-issue.
Love is a matter of personal choice, few people like public display of affection (PDA as they call it :) ) .. so why not let them celebrate while the others can always learn to ignore and carry on as though its just an ordinary day. Then it is also a case of haves and have nots. Those who are in love who bask in its glory and the so called unlucky ones who get depressed due to affection deficiency syndrome .
Its such a popular topic that people ( me included) dont mind writing about it though they have no clue themselves.
Looks like I am preaching now ... or is it St. Valentine trying to make me a believer ... I think i need to get my ears tested soon.
Finding true love is similar to the facade that is created when people talk large about job satisfaction. Both these things are extremely complex. You try looking for it everywhere. When a person is truely in love, he will not go around boasting about it because he knows that it doesn't matter for the whole world to know. It has now become a fashion statement to have girlfriends or boyfriends. People are soo desperately trying to get hooked up with someone or anyone for that matter, that they don't think an iota of whether what they are doing is truely coming from their heart or not. Desperate need to get hooked up has masqueraded true love. When you are in love you don't go around telling people that you are in love. This is done just to convince yourself that others who don't matter, or might, accept what you are doing. Why is this done? When you know you are in love, the feeling comes within. You don't need to hear bells ringing. Your whole body sychronises to the trance and your outlook towards everything in life changes for the better. You dont need a third person to tell you that. So friends, fall " head over heels" in love. But remember that the fall should not happen because someone pushed you from behind. Fall free.
Why is it that 2 singles are posting their views on love. If the trend is about singles commenting, then let me swoop in..:).
PDA...its a good site for some singles to enjoy and the others to get jealous.People have mistaken love and lust.I agree with you bro, having a GF or a BF has in fact become a fashion statement, and it is so true that fashion keeps changing and so do bf and gfs. There are different categories of people, one who would
not think much and may start telling people that they are in love. These people suffer when, the relationship does not last long, or it breaks off due to some reason.
The other kind would hide their love till they are damn sure that they are in love,and finally when they are about to commit and have disclosed it to their near dear,
they would disclose it to the whole world.
There is a third kind also. They want their so called other half to disclose it first, bcos both are confused as to whether they are in love or is it infatuation.
there may be other kinds also, I have see these kinds.
And reading the previous blog and comments, I think that that some people are in love....:)
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