Love Actually
>> Tuesday, February 13, 2007
True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked.- Erich Segal
This quote from the writer of the one of the most poignant love story may seem to be such an irony...however it holds so true in today's world.
As the whole debate (read war) between the believers and non- believers about the whole concept of Valentine's day rages on, the above quote may almost land me behind bars .
It is strange because when we have so many social issues to tackle we create such a hue and cry over a non-issue.
Love is a matter of personal choice, few people like public display of affection (PDA as they call it :) ) .. so why not let them celebrate while the others can always learn to ignore and carry on as though its just an ordinary day. Then it is also a case of haves and have nots. Those who are in love who bask in its glory and the so called unlucky ones who get depressed due to affection deficiency syndrome .
Its such a popular topic that people ( me included) dont mind writing about it though they have no clue themselves.
Looks like I am preaching now ... or is it St. Valentine trying to make me a believer ... I think i need to get my ears tested soon.